A Place at the Table (Peace)

People of Advent,

The literal and figurative table can be a tricky place. Being included can feel great. Being excluded – not.

Church is a challenging place. Some houses want your rear in a pew, your money in the coffers, and your membership on the roster. When it comes to full participation, the exception clauses come out, and the redlining begins. You can’t participate in leadership because…. You can’t receive communion because…. You can’t. You can’t.

Decisions for you are being made by others to preserve their place at the table. There have been denominational splits over these things. It reinforces people’s negative feelings about church. And this negatively disturbs the collective soul. Now, creating an inclusive table can also be challenging because there are more differing views, and we humans rub up against each other, and friction ensues. But I believe the collective soul, while being disrupted by the spirit of inclusion, can be at peace.

There is a quote and variations on it: “Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of God.”

This Sunday, as we continue to prepare a place for the indwelling of the Holy, we will be reflecting upon Baruch 5:1-5 and Philippians 1:3-11. “Who is this Baruch?”, you might ask. Well, I’ll give you a quick 411 when I see you on 1130 Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream. Invite a friend to the IUC table.

Rev. Michael Cronin

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