Happy New Year, Dear Ones –

I pray this finds you well on this second day of 2025. Many have made their New Year’s resolutions. Some of us have already broken them. Others have asked, “Why bother?”

On the heels of last week’s reflection, I have thought a lot about what I want to bring into the new year and what I want to leave behind. I intend to clean out some closets, purge belongings that they might find someone to love them anew, and minimize the chaos that surrounds me.

That’s the mundane.

This Sunday is Epiphany Sunday. The Epiphany is actually Monday, January 6. I’ve been thinking about how God reveals Theirself to us and all the opportunities we are given and perhaps overlook. I will be reflecting on John 1:1-18 (“In the beginning was the Word…”) and thinking about enlightenment – the deepening of our knowledge of and relationship to the Divine.

I look forward to seeing you at 10 am Sunday on 1130 Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream. Start the new year by introducing a new person to Island United.

With love,
Rev. Michael Cronin

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