Last week, the reflection on Luke 4:14-21 brought Jesus home to Nazareth, and people were excited to hear the little boy-all-growed-up teach in the synagogue. There were probably memories – good and bad – as well as expectations about the message he would share. He stood up and read Isaiah, proclaiming his anointing and ministry. We left off with a gobsmacked congregation and Jesus’s mic drop moment: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Dun-Dun-Duuun
This week, we pick up with the second half of the story in Luke 4:21-30. The people were pleased and spoke graciously of him … until he challenged their preconceived notions, started to point out their shortcomings, and spoke of upsetting their status quo. And then they tried to throw him off the cliff.
It takes courage to speak the truth. I am reminded of hearing the Inaugural Message delivered by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde at the National Cathedral. Many applauded her courage to speak the gospel truth to power. Others not so much. The proverbial attempt to run her off a cliff ensued.
Are we willing to step out and follow in the path of Jesus? What are we willing to risk?
I look forward to seeing you at 10 am on Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream.
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Rev. Michael