How Much is Enough? (Joy)

Companions on the Advent Journey,

This Sunday is Gaudete (Joy) Sunday. The term is derived from the Latin opening words of the introit antiphon, “Rejoice (Gaudete) in the Lord always.” The theme of the day expresses the joy of anticipation at the approach of the Christmas celebration. Until the high Middle Ages, Advent mirrored the 40 days Lenten journey of internal preparation, so this was a halfway mark and a respite celebration of Joy during the journey.

As I am given to do, I heard a conversation about the difference between happiness and joy on KQED radio. There is a difference! In his NYT Opinion Column, David Brooks writes, “Happiness usually involves a victory for the self. Joy tends to involve the transcendence of self. Happiness comes from accomplishments. Joy comes when your heart is in another. Joy comes after years of changing diapers, driving to practice, worrying at night, dancing in the kitchen, playing in the yard, and just sitting quietly together watching TV. Joy is the present that life gives you as you give away your gifts.”

As we enter into Gaudete Sunday, I invite you to think about what brings you Joy. Can we make more of it? We will be reflecting upon Isaiah 12:2-6 and Luke 3:7-18 while we continue our journey of anticipation and preparation of Christmas. Invite a friend to join us!

Rev. Michael Cronin

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