In God We Trust


I pray this finds you well. I imagine that your heart, like mine, continues to break for the people of Los Angeles. The loss and devastation continues as the death toll climbs. Communities are being destroyed (see wildfire appeal below).

We are in a leadership transition that brings dis-ease and fear for some. If allowed to be executed, the proposed Project 2025 policy attached to the incoming administration will undo so many of the hard-earned rights gained. Lives will be destroyed.

And – this year marks the 21st year that the MLK Jr Day of Service was made a Federal Observance. We celebrate and honor a leader who sought to build up lives and create beloved community. As Martha Stewart would say, “It’s a good thing.”

This Sunday we welcome my seminary sister Rev. Gwynn Fuqua back to the IUC pulpit. She always brings us something to chew on. Her reflection “Vox Populi” will focus upon a moment where the people have forgotten whose they are in 1 Samuel 8:4-18: “We Demand a King!”

I look forward to seeing you on 1130 Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream. Bring a friend.

Trusting in God,
Rev. Michael

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