Beautiful People,
I pray that your Memorial Day was peaceful and meaningful, and you felt the Holy Trinity throughout the week.
Pride Month is here to let us know that Ordinary Time is anything but. The rainbow of diversity celebrates and shines. As part of the San Mateo County Cluster of Open & Affirming UCC Congregations ((Island United, CCSM, CC Peninsula, & College Heights), we are in our final logistics and planning stretch for San Mateo Pride on Saturday, June 8. There will be a small parade procession from 2nd Ave. & B Street to Central Park on 5th Ave., followed by an ambassador booth.
If you haven’t already, please consider and let me know if you would like to march and or be a booth ambassador for an hour or two. It’s a wonderful family friendly event with an opportunity to mix and mingle with our sibling congregations who seek to welcome LGBTQ+ folx into our communities. Talk to me!
This Sunday, we will look at Mark 2:23-3:6 – Jesus’s healing of the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath. It is both a commentary on “law” (restrictions on behavior and activity) and civil discourse (which seems to be anything but civilized) as well as slowing down to listen for God in our midst. Very timely as we enter further into the political season of 2024. Gird your loins!
I look forward to seeing you at 10 am on Sunday at 1130 Balclutha or on Zoom and Livestream. Invite a friend.
Share the love,
Rev. Michael Cronin