Companions on the Journey,
Many of us are familiar with Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Alice’s main antagonist is the Queen of Hearts. Wikipedia posts that she is a childish, foul-tempered monarch whom Carroll himself describes as “a blind fury” and who is quick to give death sentences at even the slightest of offenses. “The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. ‘Off with his head!’ she said, without even looking around.” It is said that she represents egotism and narcissism syndrome. Hmmm, sounds like a familiar personality?
If you guessed King Herod, you are correct!
This Sunday we will be looking at Mark 6:14-39 and the beheading of John the Baptist. The grisly story is the filling between last week’s story of Jesus’s sending out the disciples two-by-two to heal and next week’s story of their successes in what is known as a Markan Sandwich. Ann will be sharing her sure-to-be dramatic reading of Scripture from Bellevue, Washington, via Zoom.
I look forward to seeing you at 10 am Sunday on 1130 Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream. Bring a friend and share the fun.
’til then,
Rev. Michael Cronin