Last Sunday we talked about the gifts and promises we receive in good times – especially the promise of God’s steadfast presence and love. Sometimes those things are surprises, or we are almost oblivious to them. We fail to give thanks and don’t realize until much later, when we are mired in more difficult times, that we were given promises for a “way through.” Not a way around, not a way to duck life’s realities – but a way through. Much of that way through is paved, bordered, and sheltered under the trees of relationships – sometimes relationships that we thought at the time were not the most significant in our lives. Then we discover all the people that have “been there” for us all along.
We are called to be observant and grateful people in the present – to note the kindnesses and caring of others, even when they might be a bit awkward. Receive them as God’s presence and promise of love in your life; promise of a way through. And then you might just be surprised by grace.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Carol