Voices of Pentecost

Hello Church!

I write to you from beautiful Zephyr Point on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe (see pics below). I am here for a Worship Design Conference soaking up the brilliance of guru Marcia McFee and basking in the mystical energy and beauty of the lake. Calm and peaceful … and creative.

It is an interesting confluence that this conference happens as we enter Pentecost. There are upwards of one hundred worship leaders pastors, musicians, design specialists – from 23 states and 11 denominations. “We are Methodists, United Church of Christ and Metropolitan Community Churches, people from California, Nebraska and Tennessee, Texas and New Jersey, 10 New Mexico and Colorado, Ohio and the parts of Connecticut and Missouri, as well as visitors from Illinois –11 all Christians, or a cohort of Unitarians – Church of the Brethren and retirees, too. We hear them preaching and singing, each in our own language, about the marvels of God!”

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 10 am at 1130 Balclutha, Zoom or livestream as we celebrate the Pentecost story and the birth of the Church. If you know the Lord’s Prayer in another language or can find one you’d like to speak, bring it and we’ll speak them together as a beautiful cacophonous polyglot. Invite a friend to the party!

With a fire in my heart,
Rev. Michael Cronin

P.S. Wear red, yellow, or orange if you got it. We’ll be a church on fire.

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