where are you headed?


Numerous forces compete for our attention. Listen to me! Obey me! They feed upon our fear and anger. They feed upon our aspirations and desires.

I’ve been reading about the Nashville school shooting on Monday. It was the 130th mass shooting in the 85 days of 2023. I say it was because, as I am writing this and by time you read this, the number will probably have increased. 

NPR posted this article yesterday – 4 big questions about the Nashville school shooting (and what we know so far):

  • What was the shooter’s motive?
  • Could police have confiscated the suspect’s guns?
  • Will the FBI or state agencies investigate this as a hate crime?
  • Will lawmakers pass gun control measures?

The answers – a couple of which we can guess before reading – aren’t necessarily comforting, and they leave us with more questions. Some will conflate this story with others, not speaking to the nuances, to support the vilification of people. In this case, our transgender siblings.

Then there are those voices of beauty and love. Follow me. Love one another.

We observe Palm Sunday this week, waving palm leaves and singing sweet hosannas – which means ‘save us’. In the gospel story we have two parades: one of a grandiosity that oppresses to maintain power and the other of a modesty that seeks to liberate through the love and care for one another.

Which will we follow?

I look forward to seeing you Sunday at 10 am at 1130 Balclutha or on Zoom.

Rev. Michael Cronin

P.S. Hold our transgender siblings in prayers of love and celebration on Friday, March 31, Transgender Day of Visibility.

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