We Are Family (I got all of you and me)


We have come to the end of another Pride Season. I just got off of an Open & Affirming Coalition virtual support space for license & ordained UCC clergy Zoom call. Not that I have to be reminded, but I am grateful to be amongst you. I missed being with you in person terribly last week. There is still a struggle within the wider denomination for queer clergy to be embraced and celebrated.

There is still healing to be made in what has become known as a liberal and sometimes radical faith movement.

This week we are looking at Mark 5:21-43, the story of the hemorrhaging woman and the raising of Jairus’s daughter. Stories of healing, power used for good, family of origin and chosen family, belonging. We know that the church can be harmful and/or healing, inclusive or exclusive. Do we use our power for good?

Pending a negative test result, I look forward to seeing you at 10 am Sunday on Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream. Reach out and invite someone and extend the family of healing and belonging.

Rev. Michael Cronin

P.S. Please continue to hold Congregational Church of the Peninsula, Peninsula Multifaith Coalition, and all who were touched by Rev. Kristi Denham, as well as her repose, as they navigate the grief of her passing.

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