We at Island United Church of Foster City celebrate differences of color, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and expression, socio-economic background or any other social delimiter, seen or unseen. We are grateful for the diversity within and among all people. We appreciate each of our unique God-given gifts. We seek to promote a message of love, hope, joy and peace and honor those messages in other spiritual paths. We work toward a time when discrimination and oppression of all types vanish from our faith traditions and communities.
Our calling is to be an inclusive family of God in this particular place and time. We believe that bold and faithful living involves seeking and questioning, not dogmatic answers. Bring your doubts – this is the tradition of the United Church of Christ. We hunger for spiritual experience. We don’t check our brains at the door, we open our hearts in love. Join us for worship at 10am on Sundays!
We are an Open & Affirming Congregation
We have a particular affinity for interfaith relations and getting to know our spiritual neighbors! We are active members of the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition, participating with other faith communities in such activities as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, a multifaith gathering for prayer in the park, Passover Seders, and Ramadan Iftars!

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