Sowing Seeds


Last week I wrote to you from the Annual Meeting of the Northern California-Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ in Fresno. It did indeed get to 109 degrees – dry heat 😉. The theme was “Making All Things New”. There was a lot of excitement in the air about our new Settled Conference Minister Rev. Davena Creer Jones, the revival of the conference, and what lies ahead. There was a celebration of the Sacramento Marshallese Ministry, which was recently granted full standing in the conference. We were sowing the seeds of the future.

This past weekend several of us from Island United participated in the San Mateo Cluster Open & Affirming Congregations of the UCC contingent at San Mateo Pride. It was a lot of fun. We also heard guest preacher and friend of Island United Rev. Gwynn Fuqua deliver a powerful reflection on Mark 3:20-35, talking about the intersectionality of Black History, Queer families, “Ode to Billy Joe” related to the murder of Emmet Till, and God’s Abundant Love for all. This coming weekend will be the Third Annual Juneteenth Celebration held by the Foster City Association of Black Residents from 1 pm to 5 pm in the Wind Room at the Foster City Community Center. This was the first of the (now) many events happening throughout the county. IUC has proudly sponsored this joyful gathering since the beginning. Sowing the seeds of love.

It just so happens that the text for this weekend is Mark 4:26-34 – The Parable of the Growing Seed. In a time where seeds of fear and hate are bearing noxious weeds attempting to choke out love and inclusion, it is important that we continue to sow seeds of love and understanding that flourish into beautiful life-giving plants. We will also be gifted with the presence and voice of my dear friend, and exotic flower, Carly Ozard. I look forward to seeing your bright shiny faces at 10 am at 1130 Balclutha, on Zoom or Livestream. Sow invitation and radical hospitality and watch us grow.

Rev. Michael Cronin

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