Faith-filled Friends,
In the song, Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific, Emile de Becque sings about seeing a stranger across a crowded room and knowing she is the one, finishing with the lyric, “Once you have found her, never let her go. Once you have found her, never let her go!” It’s a lovely sentiment, but as much as we might not want to, eventually, we have to let people go. In the book The Measure by Nikki Erlich, people open their front door to find a small wooden box waiting for them. This box holds their fate inside: the answer to the exact number of years they will live. The story unfolds as the characters’ decisions and fates interweave with one another. A Chat ‘n Chew Book Group member said, “You can make choices, but you can’t determine the outcomes.”
At this week’s stop on the rails of faith with Peter, we arrive at Matthew 16:21-23. Jesus is explaining what is in the future, and Peter rebukes him. Jesus utters the famous, “Get thee behind me, Satan!”
Peter has found a teacher and friend, a beloved. He wants to hold on to the lives they have built. Jesus has laid his faith, and Peter does not want to let go. I know that feeling – knowing that a beloved would pass, a relationship would change. Wanting to hold on; fearing the loss of what is and facing the unknown. Wanting to avoid the pain and suffering. It’s highly likely that you have too. How do we find hope for the moments when our world unravels and we feel lost in our faith?
I look forward to seeing you Sunday at 10 am on Balclutha, Zoom, or Livestream as we look at what we can be “fixed upon.” Invite a friend along for the ride!
Rev. Michael Cronin