Travelers on the Journey,
We have officially entered into Lent. The theme for the season is Wandering Heart. Wandering Heart focuses on the Lenten journey through the stories of Peter.
Like us, Peter is not perfect. Like us, he has a history. And like Peter, with all our foibles and follies, Jesus calls us to follow and join his ministry.
As we set out on this journey, I invite you to contemplate these questions (there might be a quiz 😉): What is the beginning of your faith story? When has God sought you out? Have you ever felt like your calling was pursuing—or chasing—you? Did you resist? Did you follow? There is also a link to the online devotional flipbook below (a few printed copies are available at church).
I look forward to seeing you at 1130 Balclutha, on Zoom, or on livestream on Sunday at 10 am. Invite a friend along for the ride!
With love,
Rev. Michael Cronin