Return of the Prodigal Pastor

Dear Ones,

I am officially returned from the three weeks interim time off. I thank you for your generosity of spirit that allowed for this. I am grateful for the preachers who stepped up and joined you in my absence. I heard stories. And Brent had fun filling you in with visuals of what I might be doing while away.

February is Black History Month, and I invite you to check out the section dedicated to historic interfaith black leaders who shaped America. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14, with a joint bilingual service at CCSM. I hope you will consider attending as we enter into Lent together and follow Peter’s story and the Wandering Heart inspired by “Come Thou Fount”.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday at 10 am at 1130 Balclutha, in person, on Zoom, or livestream. Tell a friend!

With gratitude,
Rev. Michael Cronin

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