
Beloved Community,

Today, Wednesday, I had the opportunity to share a brown bag lunch hour at the amphitheater in Leo J. Ryan Park with Rabbi Elana of Peninsula Sinai Congregation. She newly arrived just after the swastika incident, and now there is the Israel-Palestine War. Yes, there’s a lot going on.

Today, Wednesday, we sat sharing our stories facing the lagoon and enjoying the beautiful day, the beauty of the park by the serene waters. Our histories, our fears and sorrows, strengths and joys, hopes for that which is yet to come. The beginning of many more years of sharing.

This Sunday, we will reflect upon Matthew 25:1-13, aka “The Parable of the Ten Virgins” through the lens of sharing. Do we have enough? Yes, we do. Do we? We can share it, yet often we say this is mine, not yours. As social animals, our survival is dependent upon sharing – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 10 am on Balclutha or Zoom.

Share our joy with a friend,
Rev. Michael Cronin

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