Ritual in our weariness

Theophilus (Lovers of God),

I pray that your Christmas brought you some joy. The holidaze can be overwhelming and triggering. The weariness we carry can be exacerbated. Ritual can bring comfort or alienation in these moments.

Many of us are conditioned to think of ritual as only related to church – a solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. If we stop to think about it, our daily lives are filled with ritual. Many events in the secular world are rituals. Oh, how we like to live in the binary world of “sacred and profane”.

On this First Sunday after Christmas, New Year’s Eve, I invite us to look at our rituals and the comfort they can bring us when the world wears us down, as well as those that might not work for us anymore; reimagining. We will be looking at Luke 2:21-38, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

I look forward to seeing you on 1130 Balclutha. Zoom, or livestream at 10 am Sunday morning. Invite a friend!

Rev. Michael Cronin

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