In an era of “no prisoners taken” politics and a world seemingly in constant state of turmoil and tumult, we can become cynical and jaded, apathetic and nihilistic. With that thought, the 1969 Rolling Stones anthemic song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” comes to mind. Coming at the end of an era where idealism turned to frustration and disillusionment, innocence turned suspicion, it was a “balm in Gilead” to heal the sin-sick soul.
In times of extreme hardship, our belief in good and the presence of God and God’s faithfulness can be put to task. When we are thrown off course from what we planned or wanted, can we get what we need?
This Sunday we ask the question “What do you need?” using the story of Job 2:11-13. His friends show up in his distress. This comes with its own problems. Perhaps you have a memory of a time when someone extended care for you and the feeling you had. Bring it for intimate discussion this Sunday at 10 am at 1130 Balclutha or on Zoom. There will be private breakout rooms for those attending via Zoom.
Rev. Michael Cronin