Joy in the weariness

People of Joy,

Last week, we experienced a moving reflection by Rev. Deborah Lee, Executive Director of Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, on Luke 1:24-56 (Mary and Elizabeth’s sharing and The Magnificat), which included testimonies from Eladio and Guillermo, two people impacted by the ICE Detention Center prisons. We were also given time for Q&A after the service to learn more about the inhumane policies of said prisons and their amazing stories of perseverance. All setting the tone for God’s favor and liberation, finding joy in community amidst the struggle.

When we allow ourselves to be amazed, we can find joy. It can be found in the mundane as well as the extraordinary. When we stop and take in that which we might take for granted – the sky, the stars, a tree, a friend – and really think about them, how can we not be amazed? I mentioned in a tangential way the RadioLab podcast on pregnancy, placenta, and the miracle of how we’re even here. I invite you to listen to it:

In the Advent of new birth, our awakening to the light that shines, let us pay attention to the amazement that surrounds us. I look forward to seeing you at 10 am Sunday on 1130 Balclutha, Zoom, or our livestreams as I reflect on Luke 1:57-66, the birth of John the Baptist.

Be joy!
Rev. Michael Cronin

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